Josh Tighe

Josh Tighe

Friday, 2 March 2012

I don't see nothing wrong with a little beans and rice

My journey off self discovery in Kenya began on Sunday, leaving from Heathrow airport after a good weekend of dancing in London. My flight arrived early Monday morning in Nairobi and it was from there I had to make the journey up to Iten by Matutu, as usual this was quite dangerous weaving in and out of cars with lorries coming towards us. Luckily me and Karl arrived in Iten about 6 hours later and was greeted by Nick Swinburn who at the time was walking his dog Roger whilst eating some custard creams.
Soon as we arrived he showed us to our crib and off we went for a 30 minute run, during the run I found out that this was his 5th run of the day, when he told me I laughed at him but he just replied " I'm no pussy man"
                                                         Our crib

Them four simple words " I'm no pussy man" kind of make sense just like the words of such greats as Martin Luther King " I have a dream" Bruce Forsyth " Nice to see you, to see you nice" and finally Shaggy " It wasn't me" them four simple words describe what Nick is all about, His no pussy man!
Nothing exciting happened on Tuesday, Me Karl and Nick did 60 minutes in the morning with Nick doing squat thrust star jumps every 10 minutes ( approximately 10 ) once the run was finished I had a cold shower and headed into town for some food so that we could cook in the evening. I quite enjoy cooking in the evening as it passes time and I feel the celebrity TV chef Ainsley Ramsey.

On Wednesday me Nick, Karl Josephat and Zane Robertson did a long run , which was pretty long and quite runnish, as the run was nearing to the end and the pace picked up me and Karl slowly dropped off the pace. Overall I was quite pleased as it was my first long run at altitude and I didn't feel too bad, I know that with a  few more of these runs I will become strong like the Gladiator Saracen or even Don Cheadle in the film Ironman 2.
Yet again this was followed by a cold shower, a trip into town for some beans and rice and mid afternoon tea at Nicks apartment. We decided to take a flask full of tea up to Kerio view which overlooks the rift valley, after me and Nick drank the tea we walked along the cliff tops.
                                                Looking at Rift valley 

 Here we spotted to big cliff rocks and Nick decided to jump from each rock with a 1000ft drop lurching below, I joined him on the rock equipped with my Salomon Crossmax which I would say helped me out a lot as it withstood 80% more absorption than any other leading sports brands. We both decided to step down from the rocks as the next jump Nick was planning was way out of his jump range and would probably be the end of him ( it took about 5 minutes for him to realise he wouldn't make it)
                                      Me and Nick jumping from cliff rocks

Thursday was my first session which was just 6x40 secs off 40secs included in my 60 min morning run, it went quite well as it was only short and didn't tire me out for what lay ahead in the afternoon. So another cold shower a walk into town and more beans and rice, after the food we went to the chemist to buy 20 litres of water each ( 2 bottles ) Nick decided that he didn't want to pay 20p to have all of the 6 bottles took to our apartment so challenged me and Karl to carry 20 litres home, I was against it until Nick said " don't be a pussy man" that was it I thought I'm no pussy man so I put the two 10 litre bottles on my sun burnt shoulders and started the 23 minute walk from town to our apartment. Me and Nick managed to get back to the apartment only stopping twice, we had to wait on our second stop for Karl who was accompanied by a random Kenyan who had to help him carry a bottle, after Karl met us at the second checkpoint the random Kenyan left the other bottle with him and off we went again, with only 800 meter's left I took both of my bottles back to our apartment and then had to head back to Karl who had only managed to take them 200 meter's.
Me being the hero I am I took both of the bottles off Karl and finished the final 600 meter's of the journey to our apartment, when I put them down my shoulders where sore but the feeling of being a hero just like Steven Seagal in the film Under Siege helped ease the pain.
                                   Being a hero and carrying Karl's bottles back

I went to Nick's crib after dropping off our bottles where he said " aye that's canny good training we will have to do that every week" in all fairness his probably right as his no pussy man. So every week we will be doing the water challenge which is sure to make us all strong like the band Cleopatra.
Haven't really done much today apart from a 60 minute run in the morning, beans and rice for dinner and went for a evening run with Karl and some random Kenyan who promised to make me a household name just like Les Battersby. Karl's currently in the kitchen chopping tomatoes and onions ( probably for the first time ever ). By the time this trip is over Karl is going to be a top chef like Gordon Oliver and will no doubt get the girl he deserves!
                                   Karl becoming a chef like Gordon Oliver

Tomorrow is my first big session so hopefully I will survive that so I can keep you posted on my journey of self discovery like!

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