Josh Tighe

Josh Tighe

Thursday, 8 March 2018

It's Turbo Time

This is something I have been looking forward to these last few weeks and that was getting the go ahead off big Dunc to do a 10 minute spin on the turbo trainer.
I'm not going to write a full blog on the 10 minute workout I had, I could go on about my heart rate maybe talk about my cadence. But I know nothing about either for the workout.
As my legs were spinning and occasionally I would yell out " IT'S TURBO TIME "
For anyone who doesn't know that quote it came from the Austrian mouth of possibly the greatest action movie start of all time Arnold Schwarzenegger, from the greatest Christmas movie of all time " Jingle All The Way "

With not working and not putting any of my time and energy into my running it leaves me with a lot of time to think, whether that's wondering what Tim Henmans up to nowadays or keeping up with current affairs in th media, like the Team Sky Wiggins scandal.
This certainly had me thinking of the affect that performance enhancing drugs or TUES which is the same thing basically. PEDS is like going to a brothel and TUES is like getting a happy ending massage, although they are both different it's still cheating!
What I was thinking exactly was what affect PEDS had on Arnold Schwarzenegger and did they actually make him a better actor?!
The short answer is NO.
Although the steroids might of helped him pile on mass and get a physique your mate Darren at work is trying his hardest to get by living off whey protein and eating raw chicken.
The drugs don't make you a brilliant actor! Sure they might of helped him get the odd role as you can hardly see Tom Hanks playing the Terminator or any other Arnie roll.
So let's for now not frown at the drug abusers lets just have a think about what affect they have had on is.
For out the use of PEDS would the scene from Predator featuring Arnie and the second greatest action movie start of all time  Carl Weathers actually looked that good?
Imagine two paper thin arms embracing in a handshake, it wouldn't look half as good and for the use of PEDS for me this is probably the greatest ever scene in movie history

Although in acting the use of PEDS might be encouraged and they certainly helped in getting together the most iconic action duo of all time Arnold Schwarzenegger & Carl Weathers.

In sport it is certainly frowned upon unless your organisation is ruled in a dictator styled fashion like Vladimir Putin of the Russian athletes, Kim Jong Un of North Korea or maybe you are Dave Brailsford of Team Sky

Now although Wiggins hasn't been caught in a brothel (on PEDS) he is however getting accused of getting a  cheeky handjob on the Team Sky bus (TUES)
Like I said before cheating is cheating.
I think the message in this blog is let's not condemn all drug cheats, sure if they are involved in sport why not ban them for life and make them walk the streets naked like Cersei Lannister while  we all yell SHAME  and throw shit at them.

Let's celebrate the none sports PEDS takers.
 I will finish this blog with a simple question, a question I already know the answer too.

Name one bad movie that Arnold Schwarzenegger has been in?

