Josh Tighe

Josh Tighe

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

We care more about our tan than our running

This time next week me and Nick will have just arrived in England hopefully better tanned people and maybe a little better at running. So since the last blog I have done 4 tough sessions and done some running training, the session on Tuesday didn't go as planned by me leading the whole way and doing lots of windmilling. It still went pretty well but at the end of the session as usual me and Nick looked close to dying and the Kenyans looked fine. After the session we went for dinner at the pub just down the road from our village, as we waited for dinner me and Nick played pool, after me and Nick played I asked Ben if he fancied a game. Ben told me that he had never played before and what an absolute liar he was, he was playing loads of trick shots and moonwalking round the table and stuff. He beat me at the 1st game but when I played him the 2nd time it was him who was made to look like a little girl. Wednesday yet again saw me and Nick go to the tea hotel and to our delight Under Siege was showing, as I posted in the last blog the big fat American women spoilt the film by getting it turned over to BBC world news. This time there was no stupid fat horrible American women in sight so we could both enjoy all off the killings and the 10 seconds of boobage. Thursday was another hill session with Simon Ben and Geoffrey, the session went pretty good because I managed to win like 2 reps, Nick was doing a session of he's own which was something like 6x custard creams off jaffa cake recovery and then 20x bourbon biscuit with digestive recovery. Whilst out here Nick found that Mcvities are wanting to sponsor him and without no hesitation he took the offer straight away and celebrated with a pack of custard cream. Well done Nick. Saturday was session number 3 on the track which was 20x300m off 1min recovery, after the 14th rep I started to get lactic in my tongue. Nick has mentioned this to me before how it sometimes happens to him, I always thought he was being strange but maybe it's meant to happen to special people like us. On Saturday night something life changing happened to me I fed a hungry possibly dying homeless Kenyan child a jam sandwich, as I was walking around camp I bumped into the dying hungry homeless child and it came clear to me that if I didn't run into my room and make him a jam sandwich that he would probably die of hunger. This sort of reminded me of that biblical story when Jeremy fed like 1000 people with chicken and eggs, I kind of see myself now as the modern day Jeremy and I feel that this is just the beginning to solving world hunger. So after my heroics of Saturday night I had a day off running after training everyday for the last 7weeks and went to watch the football at the tea hotel to watch united play like girls and get destroyed off Dirk Kuyt, after the game it started to rain and hailstone. I have never panicked so much in my life all's I could think was if this carries on for the rest of the week I could go home not that tanned but luckily it only lasted for 2 days and since then me and Nick have managed two good sunbathing sessions. On Tuesday me Nick and a few other Kenyans did 5x1000m and for once we wasn't at the back beating a few Kenyans on all of the reps. I've realised since being out here that you don't need that much in life to survive, obviously you need to drink Super Skol and eat chicken to live but you don't need much else. All's you need is a bed with 2 blankets ( just in case it gets cold) toilet roll or bread and some porn ( if your reading this mum this is from Nicks point of view as i find it very degrading towards women). I think I have two more sessions left and then on monday where going on a safari and running up a volcano before we fly home on tuesday night, the plan for tuesday is get drunk before the flight arrive in heathrow get our bags and then head straight to kfc go to a Tesco buy some cider and then try live our lives as real athletes.

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